You didn't come here to live a mediocre life

There’s a fire inside of you that’s telling you that there’s more for you to have, be and experience in this life.

That’s called ‘A Calling’.

It was put there by your intuition because you’re meant to be that person you day dream about becoming, and experience everything you desire, in this life time. 

And let’s be real here, I’m not talking about those ‘compromised’ or ‘logical’ desires you are trying to convince yourself is enough to live a happy satisfied life.

I’m talking about your soul aligned desires. 

Those desires that sometimes hurts to want, because your logical mind convinces you that it’s too big, too out there or maybe even impossible for you to ever have…

You don't need another program showing you how they did it.

You are either:

  • Watching other people create the life that you dream of having yourself.
  • OR you’re in the process of creating your dream life now using other peoples strategies and methods to make your desires a reality. 

Regardless of where you are, you’re not going to manifest your desires from either of these two places. 

And I wish someone told me this sooner. 

Are you learning from or copying your mentors?

Spending your time, energy and resources learning how to replicate somebody else’s journey, only results in you getting really good at being like other people.

And let me guess… your desires haven’t been manifesting have they?

  • Does manifesting your desires feel like you are pushing shit up a hill?
  • Do you constantly feel confused about how to make your desires a reality? 
  • And as a result have you disconnected from your intuition and your desires all together?
  • And the more you don’t see the physical results in your reality, the more hope you lose and wonder if your desires are even possible for you. 

Been there, done that, and fuck that!

I’ll tell you why this hasn’t been working for you. 

It's because YOUR intuition is the road map to YOUR desires.

Your desires

Your desires are a sneak peak into your future. They were planted by your intuition as an attraction tactic. Fun fact about desires is that they don't reveal themselves to you unless they are available for you to have RIGHT NOW.

Your intuition

Your intuition is HOW you get to experience your desires, faster than you even thought possible might I add. It will give you your EXACT steps forward. Your intuition is concerned with growth and expansion, you don't grow if you stay where you are right now.

The problem is we haven’t been trained to trust our intuition.

 Instead we have been trained to follow other peoples formulas, to use logic to make safe decisions and to rely on physical evidence to make moves in our lives. 

And this is why your life doesn’t look the way you want it to look. 

This is why you’re growing at a linear, slow pace. 

This is why you feel stuck and limited in your reality. 

You aren’t anchored to the voice that put those desires there in the first place – Your intuition.   
So how do you anchor into your intuition, now that you understand that this is the most important relationship you should be nourishing in your life? 

That’s where Multidimensional Living (MDL) comes in!

What is Multidimensional Living?

Multidimensional Living was designed to put your intuition in the drivers seat of your life, so that you can start living out your desires, right now!

Think of MDL as the ultimate self and universal mastery program. As the co-creator of your reality, it’s time to make your world your bitch and claim the role as the powerful creator of your life. No longer will life be happening to you. Everything is happening for you and the universe is bending over backwards to meet your every need, and so much more!

Picture this...

  • Being able to feel, hear and receive guidance from your intuition and instead of second guessing the guidance, you take action on it, with nobody else’s approval other than your own!
  • Trusting the way YOUR journey is unfolding, even when the fear and doubt creep in (which it will, but you’ll know exactly what to do with it)!
  • Tapping into the infinite support and resources that are available to you from the universe (e.g. guidance, money, opportunities) and live your life from this place!
  • Jumping into a timeline where your desires are manifesting right before your very eyes, instead of being in that pushing to try and make it work energy. 
  • Being in love with the life you’re living because you have removed everything in your life that drains you of your energy. 
  • Fiercely trusting yourself like you never have before because your relationship to your intuition is the strongest it has ever been and as a result your desires manifest faster than you ever thought possible. 

Deep Dive Into MDL

Module 1 – Intuition Mastery

Your intuition is a muscle that can be strengthened. This module is a deep dive into how you receive guidance and communicate with your intuition specifically, because it’s different for everyone. 

Module 2 – Intuition Vs Ego

This module is a deep dive into the age old battle between intuition and ego. To trust your intuition fully, you need to know how to manage your ego. This module will help you to finally be able to distinguish between your intuition and your ego… forever! Halle-fucking-lujah!

Module 3 – Emotional & Energy Mastery

Beliefs impact emotion, emotion is energy in motion and this is what creates our reality. This module will teach you how to manage fear and unnecessary anxious worry on your journey of creating your aligned life. This module needs to be taught in schools! 

Module 4 – Living In Desire

When you are tapping into soul aligned desire, you are tapping into magic (literally). Your desires want you just as much as you want them. They carry a specific magnetic pull, and when you live from this place, you’ll begin to manifest soul aligned opportunities with so much ease that it kinda feels wrong because it’s that easy. 

Module 5 –  Working With Universal Energy to Co-Create Your Life

You don’t manifest your desires alone, the universe is moving mountains for you as well. So at this point, you’ve learnt to master your role in this co-creation process, but now it’s time to learn what the universe is doing for you! This is the module were you learn how to communicate and co-create with the universe!


What's Included

Biweekly Intuition Test’s – This is all about strengthening your intuitive muscle –  it’s not a one size fits all process and it’s something that needs to be practiced. In this program you will be put in situations that will require you to rely solely on your intuition! 

10 Weeks of Group Mentoring – Receive support from myself and other like minded souls in the community. Connecting to your soul family is another up-levelling experience in itself. And so is investing in mentoring. When somebody is calling you out on your blind spots and challenges your ego, you transform at an exponential pace! 

5 Live Mentoring Sessions & Group Support – On top the 5 module framework, you will receive live fortnightly mentoring sessions to get personalised support from me. You will also have ongoing access to me via a group chat for the entire 10 week period we have together. 

Mindset and Spiritual Tools  – Deep dive into a wide range of mindset tools, reprogramming techniques, meditations, breath work techniques and rituals to learn and play with (e.g. Emotional Freedom Technique) designed to get you closer to your intuition, transmute and regulate negative emotions and raise your vibration. 

Your Guest Mentors


Intuitive Guide, Healer & Coach     

Live reading session to connect to your intuition

Your Investment

6 Monthly Payments

$ 354
X6 Monthly Payments
  • Enrolment closes 9th of March, 2023

3 Monthly Payments

$ 708
X3 Monthly Payments
  • Enrolment closes 9th of March, 2023

Pay In Full

$ 2111
one time payment
  • Enrolment closes 9th of March, 2023

Feedback from past students

– Randa

– Ellie

– Myra

– Melanie 

– Taylor 

I want you to listen to your intuition on whether or not you should join MDL

If you’re not feeling that excitement and pull to go on this journey then it’s not for you. You need to honour that voice, it knows what it’s doing. 

But if you can feel those butterflies in your belly telling you that this is for you. Maybe it keeps coming into your reality. Or maybe you just can’t stop thinking about the program.

 Your intuition is talking to you, telling you it’s a fuck yes!

Don’t let another opportunity pass you by wondering ‘should I’ or ‘is this even possible for me’. 

Your desires wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t. 


I’m Shule! A former atheist now turned multidimensional mentor and guide. What’s that? I just made it up to be honest…

That’s the thing, I’ve dedicated my life to be 100% on my terms, so that means making up job titles from time to time! 

I’m a podcaster, YouTuber and teacher on this magical side of the internet, and I fucking love the life I’ve created for myself in the last year and a half (and continue to create). 

  • Launching a podcast with my bestie!
  • Launching a YouTube channel (all time dream).
  • Guest teaching in programs I’m obsessed with. 
  • Leaving my full-time position in a job that was unaligned.
  • Starting up a successful online intuitive readings business to only shut it down as soon as it felt unaligned. 

The path of following your intution is anything but linear! It’s uncertain. You’ll push yourself like you’ve never pushed yourself before (and I’m not talking about hustling that’s for sure – the opposite actually). 

Although, it will be the most magical and expansive journey you will ever embark on. I didn’t know that it was possible to wake up everyday excited to be alive!

I didn’t know that the universe was basically our very own magical playground.

Final Intuition Check In

You didn’t really feel anything while reading about this program. No butterflies, no visions, no goosebumps, no voice dropping in to tell you to pay attention… That’s your intuition telling you that this program isn’t for you.  

But If...

You felt excitement, butterflies or goosebumps when you were reading about this offer! Perhaps you heard a voice telling you to pay attention. Or maybe you received a vision of your experience in the program. Was this then followed by fear, doubt, anxious questioning about if this is really for you or not? That’s just the unintegrated ego coming in (don’t worry, you will learn how to work with this voice in the program). This is your intuition telling you that it’s a fuck yes!