To the Spiritual Entrepreneur...

Who knows that they are here for massive impact and success through desire & magic.

Who knows that when they are moving in alignment with their soul, the clients, money, creativity and opportunities come flooding in.

Who knows that they are the powerful creator of their reality and business success

And who is ready to blow up their business from the energy of truth and alignment, which leads to ease & overflow.

You’re exactly where you need to be 🚀

Spiritual Entrepreneurs Are Here To Blaze A New Path Forward...

You’ve burnt yourself out learning about the perfect sales pages, profitable sales funnels, marketing techniques, strategies to grow your email list and social media accounts…

In fact, this is what business feels like👇🏼

  • The work you put out into the world is getting little to no traction.
  • You can only reach a certain level of success, and then the abundance stops flowing through. 
  • You feel like you have to work really hard to have sales flowing through. And you know there’s an easier way but you just don’t know how. 
  • You are doing all of the ‘right’ things in business but you’re still not getting the results you desire to be getting. 
  • Business feels unsafe and unpredictable rather then free, stable and trustworthy. 
  • People reach out interested in what you do but then ghost you.  
  • You’re attracting the clients that aren’t taking your work seriously and in turn aren’t lighting you up.
  • You are struggling to feel inspired and connected to your work.
  • You constantly feel burnt out in your business. 
  • Sometimes you can successfully manifest what you want, but it never lasts. 
  • You are always worrying about attracting the next client or how you are going to pay your bills each month and it’s sucking the magic out of life.  
  • You know you’re meant to be making a lot more than you currently do in business. 
  • You feel extremely unsafe when your business is experiencing a dip. 
  • You want to do your souls work full time but your business isn’t producing consistent results. 
  • You feel this attached, needy energy towards your business and it’s diluting your inner magnetism.  
  • You know you could be experiencing so much more abundance, pleaser, play, freedom, alignment, fulfilment, money, clients, and opportunities than you currently are. 

 This energy of resistance, pressure & frustration has been impacting your ability to receive and grow in your business because you’ve been moving out of alignment with your souls truth ⬇️

Here's The Thing👇🏼

Business ONLY feels hard when you’re creating based on your past, not your potential. 

When your growth is stagnant, that’s your souls way of telling you that you’re moving in your business in a way that’s out of alignment with your truth.

And the money, clients and growth you do call in from here either ⬇️

❌ Don’t last e.g. you manifest a 5-10K month but you haven’t been able do it again.

❌ Are completely out of alignment e.g. unaligned clients or doing offers that drain your energy. 

❌ Or simply never manifest in the first place (you’re always in a state of lack and without).

 When you’ve been resisting your truth you become disconnected from your business, the magic of the quantum field and your intuition.

And that’s not the life and business you came here to birth. 

What you are here to show the world is ⬇️

🪄 The power of honouring your souls truth and how it leads to the creation of a life the exceeds your wildest dreams. 

✨ That every soul on this earth is powerful enough to create a life rooted in desire, happiness, pleasure and abundance. 

🌀That only abundance exists 

⚡️That true external freedom is created from the inside out. 

However, you can’t be the bringer of this truth to earth if you are moving from a place of limitation, lack, ‘have too’s’ and ‘should’s’ in your business

As a spiritual entrepreneur you need to be prepared to move differently. 

Your success depends on how willing you are to honour your truth and trust yourself. 

And when you do this attracting your souls desires in business isn’t hard; in fact that’s when the clients, money, opportunities and growth begin to flow easily and innately baby!

You’re here to do big shit, I know that and you know that. 

But you can only crack open to that next level when you stop doing what you think you should do, and you start moving in alignment and creating from your TRUTH, POWER & DESIRE

This is why I offer 1:1 support, because this is about creating lasting and ALIGNED transformation in your business, rather than those ‘that one time at band camp’ success stories🔥

The Unfuckwithable Entrepreneur - 1:1 Mentorship

For the online soul led mentor, teacher, guide or coach who is ready to crack into new depths of receiving, from an energy of pure soul alignment & truth in their business.  

The thought of hustling to grow your business makes you want to vom because you are here to allow your soul to guide your business to your next level of receivership and evolution.

You are here to show up in your truth and make an impact with your work, from the energy of pure alignment & fulfilment. 

You aren’t here to compromise on your TRUTH. 

You get to have everything you desire; the money, the success, the confidence, the demand, the impact, the dream client relationships, while feeling peace, safety, happiness, pleasure, fulfilment, alignment, and experience true internal and external freedom.

and nothing less bby 😉

What Clients Are Saying ⬇️

What if this could be your experience in business?

⚡️You are the most fulfilled you have ever been and your business is THRIVING!

⚡️You are creatively tapped in and turned on by your work.

⚡️Your souls work is changing peoples lives.

⚡️You’re making the most money you have ever made before.

⚡️You effortlessly attract soul mate clients. 

⚡️You sell with confidence and power. 

⚡️Your clients are getting insane results in your world and they can’t stop raving about you, to their community, friends and family. 

⚡️You are receiving the most you have ever received in your business, while you are having MORE fun then ever before

⚡️You don’t spiral into doubt if you don’t see evidence of sales straight away or when you are navigating income dips, because you know that you’re in a gestation period, gearing up for the next level of growth you’ve been calling in. 

⚡️You notice that the more you honour your alignment, the more your business expands and thrives.

⚡️Work doesn’t feel like work because you are in love with how you are showing up in your business. 

⚡️You can feel clients and money in the quantum field before they manifest into your reality – because that’s how connected you are to the energetic field. 

⚡️When doubt, limitation and resistance come up, you know exactly how to shift it and re-align your energy to your desired outcomes in business instead, and so that’s exactly what manifests. 

⚡️You are making an impact with your souls work. 

⚡️You feel so connected and turned on by your mission, to the point where no body can shut you up and nobody wants too! 

⚡️You feel safe to be exactly who you are online and fun side note is that it’s what leads to more sales.

⚡️You are excited when clients pay you because you know that your work is going to change their life. 

⚡️You are actually receiving money for your souls work so your spare time is spent booking weekends away, overseas flights, going shopping, eating out with friends, getting your nails done, getting your hair done, buying organic foods, getting energetic healings done or going to yoga & pilates classes. 

10X Your Business Growth From An Aligned And Sexy Energy👇🏼

What could take you 3 months to navigate on your own, could  be cleared and shifted in just one conversation in a 1:1 mentorship container. 

So you spend less time feeding the problem and ego frequency and more time feeding the energy of desire, power, truth and alignment. 

The Unf*ckwithable Entrepreneur 1:1 Mentorship is About ⬇️

🪄 You receiving in your business in a way that supports your energy. And this leaves you so creatively turned on and tapped into the magic of your work.

🪄 You loving seeing and receiving from all the incredible people who join your world and buy from you because you know their life is about transform big being in your space.

🪄Attracting clients who are excited to pay you for your services. In fact, they go out of their way to make sure you are compensated for your work and they celebrate you when you put your prices up (yerp – these are all true accounts from my own business).

🪄Making sure your cup is overflowing both creatively and monetarily, so that you just want to give, and give, and give to your community and clients – and not from an energy of overcompensation which leads to burn out… no you respect the fuck out of your boundaries and so do your clients.

This is the container where we do life and business together. 

Have me in your pocket weekly Monday – Thursday AEST inside Voxer. 

We dive into all the things from relationships, money, leadership, personal power, ego, intuition, business energetics and even the strategical side of running a business (because yes, that can be a part of the conversation, but not the answer or the reason 😉). 

1 Month of 1:1 - Your Investment

3 Monthly Payments

$ 855
  • Weekly 1:1 Voxer Support Monday - Thursday AEST.

Pay In Full

$ 2555
  • Weekly 1:1 Voxer Support Monday - Thursday AEST.

3 Months of 1:1 - Your Investment

3 Monthly Payments

$ 2374
  • Weekly 1:1 Voxer Support Monday - Thursday AEST 
  • Exclusive Access To Anchored - Embodied Money
  • Extended payment plans can be arranged upon request. Email me at or DM me on Instagram @shuleozek

Pay In Full

$ 7111
  • Weekly 1:1 Voxer Support Monday - Thursday AEDT
  • Exclusive Access To Anchored - Embodied Money

Add On Exclusive Access To ⬇️

Screenshot 2024-07-09 at 12.24.51 pm

Anchored is an embodiment tool that is designed to show you how to shift your energy in the moments you are brushing up against your old money stories, that are limiting your financial reality, to manifesting the version of you who is experiencing your financial desires right now, in your 3D reality (valued at $1333 AUD).

Rapid Fire Mentoring 🔥

Rapid Fire is for you if you have an understanding on manifestation and energy work but feel like there is something effecting your sales, your bank account and your business growth, and you are ready for it to be GONE so that your receiving channels through your business stays open and allowing for clients, money and opportunities to pour through.   

In just 3 days your shadows and blocks in business are illuminated. 

Rapid Fire is an incredible way to check out the vibe for what my 1:1 spaces are like (which is where we take the magic we tap into in Rapid Fire and 10X it). 

If you are a new client, your investment for Rapid Fire will be deducted off of the price for long term support, should you wish to continue working together. 

What’s Included:

🔥 Monday – Wednesday AEST support 1:1 in Voxer

🔥Timezone friendly container that is adaptable to your lifestyle and schedule 

Note that rapid fire sessions can only be booked once a month per client, and are subject to be waitlisted depending on my capacity. 

Pay In Full

$ 499
  • Timezone friendly container.

What Clients Are Saying ⬇️

I'm Shule! 😆

I have dedicated my life to living in alignment with my soul based desires since 2020. 

I went from getting a degree that sucked the life out of me, working in a job I hated for years and developing extreme anxiety and depression, to becoming a full time spiritual entrepreneur and content creator, doing work that I love every single day. 

I have a standard for life, business and my bank account; freedom, peace, joy & pleasure. I don’t believe in a life of compromise.

I stand for magic. I stand for exponential. I stand for freedom.  

The path of following your intuition in business is anything but linear! You’ll push yourself like you’ve never pushed yourself before (and I’m not talking about hustling until you burn yourself out – it’s actually the complete opposite 😏).

However, it will also be the most fulfilling and expansive journey you will ever embark on.

Every time I tried to focus on ‘strategy’ I lost the true essence of my work and magnetism. The more I anchored into my truth and how I wanted business to go for me, the more my business grew and grew and grew. 

Your business is an expression of you. Your soul aligned clients need you to be you, so they can find you. I’m here to help you be more of yourself, anchor into your power and and take you business to the next level from an aligned as fuck energy 🚀😆


Most frequent questions and answers

Voxer containers are timezone friendly. You get to use the space in a way that compliments your schedule and timezone. 

For example, if you are from the US you would use the space on your Sunday to Wednesday, which aligns to my Monday to Thursday perfectly. 

Many of my 1:1 clients are based in Europe & the US and they are getting insane transformations in their life, business and bank account in this space. 

Throughout my time taking clients 1:1, I have noticed that my clients results massively sky rocket in Voxer spaces compared to 1:1 live calls. 

This is because Voxer support is offered in real time, when the support is actually needed and relevant to what you are navigating.

The mentoring is delivered in bite size chunks which allows time for contemplation, understanding and embodiment of the codes being delivered. 

Voxer allows space for deep understanding to occur as codes are delivered in bite size chunks. This gives you an opportunity to try things on, see how they land, adjust, pivot and dive deeper as needed. 

This is what leads to lasting up levels and transformation in your business, bank account and life.

Compared to live calls where a whole lot of information is being thrown at you, which often leads to information overload and overwhelm, which naturally leads to, lack of embodiment.  

I have also found that live calls are often filled with low level conversations as people feel the need to utilise the time that’s been allocated. Low level conversations come from the ego, and it refers to when you try and find non-existent problems to work through. This does not lead to lasting transformation in your business. 

And finally, live calls can give short term high energy, which is not what I’m about as a mentor. 

We are here to create lasting shifts and transformation in your business and bank account. On going Voxer support ensures that you maintain embodiment and alignment as you do life in real time. 

You know you are ready for 1:1 mentorship when you have no doubt in your mind that you are taking your business to the next level. You know you could be experiencing more alignment, joy, pleasure, happiness, creativity, connection and abundance. 

And you desire to access this next level through the energy of ease, pure soul alignment and inner personal power. And you don’t want to compromise your joy, happiness, pleasure and alignment on your pursuit to the next level. 

Instead, you know you are the creator of this experience and you are ready to take this role seriously and be the leader of your life, business and bank account. 

You know you have what it takes to sky rocket to your next level and you desire support because why wouldn’t you choose the option that will 10X your journey in getting there. 

You understand that mentorship is abundance and ease, and this is your standard for business life and bank account 🚀 

1/3 manifesting generator at your service 🫡

With a ⬇️

Leo 🌞

Scorpio 🌚

Virgo Ascendant 🌳

I have an in-depth understanding of energy as I’m a trained psychic and energy healer. 

I’m also a scorpio moon, with mercury in my 12th house (if you know you know)😉

My gift in this life is to see and speak to energy. So when we work together, I can see and speak to the spirit of your higher self, the spirit of your business and your ego self. 

These are codes that I  activate within you when we work together. 

Why this is important is because, the action you take means nothing without your energy backing it. You can do ‘all the right things in business’ but making sales can still feel like pulling teeth. But as soon as you have energetic backing, the sales automatically pour through. 

My work is unique because this space isn’t about you listening to what’s worked for me. It’s about putting your intuition in the drivers seat of your business and bank account.

This is how you are going to 10X your growth. Because your intuition is your road map to the next level you’ve been calling in.  

Instead of being stuck in the same cycles of creating the same shit over and over again, which is what the ego will have you do.

Working with your intuition and energy in this way will set you up to be the entrepreneur who is always growing along side their business into higher and higher levels of abundance and impact. This is how you hack your life, business and bank account. 

Finally, our work together isn’t just about creating the physical manifestations in your bank account and business. 

It’s about accessing these up levels in the 3D, from an energy of pure soul alignment and personal power. 

It’s about becoming the person who feels, safe, pleasure and joy receiving clients, money and growth. 

It’s about becoming the entrepreneur who trusts themselves and their business wholeheartedly, that even when things look like they aren’t ‘working out’, you know that this will lead to a quantum leap (and then it does). 

It’s about becoming the entrepreneur who is so connected to your work. You are a clean channel for your business to express through you and transform your clients lives.

You aren’t wasting your precious hours of the day wondering when the next client will come through, if you are going to hit your income goals this month, and how to make more sales. 

Instead, you make more sales effortlessly, create impact, call in opportunities and grow your bank account because you show up in your business in your truth and power. 

What you can expect after working together is that you are going to have a whole new level of self trust and leadership. 

Without self trust and self leadership you don’t have a successful business. 

The work we do together is about creating lasting transformation in your life, business and bank account, from the inside out. 

So not only do you become the person who is experiencing your wildest business milestones being achieved in your 3D reality, but you experience these manifestations from an energy of pure soul alignment & power. 

What does this mean? 

It means that you become the person who can receive without going into an energy of ‘how am I going to create this again’ or ‘am I going to be able to sustain it’

Instead, you receive and walk through life and business from an energy of confidence because you truly trust yourself, you trust your business and you trust life. 

So when you receive, you can truly receive from a place of pure gratitude and pleasure. 

And the moments in-between your manifestations coming to fruition are halved in timing, because you no longer do life and business from an energy of waiting or anxious creation, because you have integrated every part of yourself (your shadow self and highest self) when we work together.