If you’re anxiously attached to what you are currently manifesting and you can’t move past the NEED frequency. 

If you’re constantly struggling with doubt, anxiety, fear and resistance… AND you’re sick of hearing just be grateful for what you have and your manifestations will come. 

If your thought process goes something along the lines of this:‘If I practice gratitude today, THEN I will finally get my manifestations’.

If you’re TRYING to manifest and your life & business just don’t match what you truly desire to be experiencing…

This means that you have been CAPPING your magnetism, limiting the abundance & opportunities dying to come into your world and play with you.

You think you have to ‘try hard’ to attract what is destined for you. And this is the exact frequency that’s keeping you from living a life that blows your fucking mind.

The question is, can you finally stop resisting life, open up your receiving channels and let the UNIVERSE show you how effortless manifesting your desires (and so much more) truly gets to be.

And that’s exactly what I’ll be showing you to do in this Masterclass & Live Q&A ⬇️


You're too hot to be attached

Your Life After You Embody The Codes In This  Masterclass👇🏼

⚡️Manifesting just became so fucking effortless because you’re working with yourself and the universe.

⚡️Life is always surprising you with abundance and opportunities that you didn’t even know were available to you!

⚡️You know exactly how to effectively shift doubt, fear, resistance and anxiousness, into feelings of peace, freedom, pleasure, abundance and love; making you magnetic AF.

⚡️Your inner world is peaceful because you no longer move from a place of forcing and trying; instead you move from inspiration and alignment baby.

⚡️Guidance from your intuition is clear, which means that you grow with life rather than staying stagnant.

⚡️ You don’t force feelings of gratitude, fulfilment and love onto yourself, instead you naturally vibrate in those states of being.

⚡️You’re in love with every aspect of your life; both externally and internally.

⚡️You don’t resist triggers and low moments, instead you use these moments as an opportunity to free yourself from attachment energy – which you do 😉

⚡️You source your safety, happiness, pleasure, joy and stability from within: so external circumstances don’t hold you back and keep you in lack based patterned cycles.

Early Bird pricing

for only

$ 111 AUD
  • Masterclass on the 10th & LIVE Q&A on the 12th of October 2024, 8:30am AEDT
  • Pricing will increase to $222 AUD

Your beliefs impact your dominant vibration and this is determining your life experience...

This should be the most liberating thing you read today because you have the power to intentionally create your desired reality, just by managing your vibrational alignment alone.

And there are absolutely no limitations to what you can attract!

Your dream life and beyond what you can conceptualise in this now moment is yours to manifest

However, when the manifesting process feels difficult and your desires aren’t flowing into your with ease, it’s because your vibrational alignment is fighting your desired reality. 

This means you’re manifesting in split energy. 

And the feelings of doubt, anxiousness, resistance, fear and lack, end up running your life experience. 

This is the masterclass where this all changes ⬇️


Your Life After You Embody The Codes In This  Masterclass👇🏼

️⚡️Doubt and resistance come up, but it doesn’t ruin your day because you know exactly how to move through it – without bypassing your emotions. 

⚡️You know exactly how to effectively shift doubt, fear, resistance and anxiousness into feelings of peace, freedom, pleasure and abundant overflow. 

️⚡️Your dominant vibration is one that supports your desired reality. 

️⚡️Manifesting is EASY because you’re no longer manifesting in split energy.

️⚡️Your inner world is peaceful because you know how to manage your vibrational alignment. 

Here's The Truth...

It’s not normal to be navigating ego deaths every couple of weeks.

It’s not normal to always be in a state of ‘struggle and overcoming’ on this journey of creating a new, happier and soul fulfilling life for yourself.

How can you create a better experience for yourself if you are constantly navigating ego triggers that keep you in low vibrational frequencies for days, to weeks, to even months on end?

When you know how to properly address ego-based resistance, you can easily shift the energy into supporting your desired reality.

The longer you stay in the energy of your desires, the faster they manifest into your experience.

And the opposite is also true, if you keep energetically falling back into low frequencies of lack and limitation, that’s what you will continue to manifest into your life experience.

This masterclass is for those who are done with letting their ego’s c*ck block their manifestations, doubting themselves and their desires and not getting what they want in life.

This masterclass is for you when you are ready to start experiencing your dream life, rather then wishing and hoping for a better life.

What people are saying ⬇️


for only

$ 111 AUD

This Master Class is For You If You Are...

Confused if the action you’re taking is the right action your soul is wanting you to take…

Constantly questioning if you are on the right path…

Unsure and lost in what you’re meant to be doing – but you know it’s something important

Stuck in the never ending cycle of searching for that one thing that perfectly compliments you. When you think you found it, it feels aligned for a short while until it just doesn’t anymore, and you are right back at where you started…

Never Be Confused About Your Soul Purpose Again

You will leave this masterclass feeling:

  • CRYSTAL CLEAR on what your soul purpose is – finally!
  • CONFIDENT in where your soul is guiding you – spoiler alert, everyone knows where their soul is guiding them. 
  • REST ASSURED that the action you take after the masterclass, is the right action for you! 

BONUS: 2 spiritual HACKS included that you can use to discover deeper aspects of your souls purpose immediately – and no, it has nothing to do with meditating more.


You get to live a life that lights you the f*ck up everyday!

I left a job doing something that absolutely drained my energy and went full-time in my soul aligned business.

Teaching and creating content on a topic that inspires the f*ck out of me!

Having total freedom EVERY SINGLE DAY

Connected to soul family and a community of people  who inspire me and strive for big dreams!

And just so f*cking grateful to wake up everyday in this incredible life I have created for myself just by following my souls purpose.

And this get’s to be you as well!! **Insert your desired life here**

I just needed to get clear on what my soul was actually asking me to do. 


Never Be Confused About Your Soul Purpose Again

for only

$ 49.99 AUD

I'm Shule,

A former atheist now turned multidimensional mentor and guide.

What’s that?

I just made it up to be honest…

That’s the thing, I’ve dedicated my life to be 100% on my terms, so that means making up job titles from time to time! 

I’m a podcaster, YouTuber and teacher on this magical side of the internet.  

I’ve dedicated my life to me! I don’t let anyone or anything keep me from living my best life! 

I’ve spent the last two years unlocking universal truths, tapping into my divinity, and creating a successful online business to only just tear it down as soon as it felt unaligned because this is what following your soul purpose is all about!

My mission on earth is to show people how they can live abundant lives and following their intuition at all costs – even when it doesn’t make sense!