You didn't come here to live a mediocre life

There’s a fire inside of you that’s telling you that there’s more for you to have, be and experience in this life.

It was put there by your intuition because you’re meant to be that person you day dream about becoming and have everything you desire!

And let’s be real here, I’m not talking about those ‘compromised’ or ‘logical’ desires you are trying to convince yourself is enough to live a happy and satisfied life.

I’m talking about your real, big, soul aligned desires. 

Those desires that sometimes hurt to want, because your logical mind convinces you that it’s too big, too out there or maybe even impossible for you to ever have.
Those thoughts are a load of b*llshit👆🏼& you have come to the right place!

Your desires can't Manifest if you Aren't anchored to your Intuition

Is this how you are feeling 👇🏼

  • Confused about what you want out of life, but you’re certain it’s not what you’re living right now. 
  • You can feel that there’s so much more out there for you to have, be and do, but have no idea where to start. 
  • You are watching other people create the life that you dream of having.
  • You are lost on how to manifest your desires. 
  • You know what you want but you don’t know how to get there. 
  • All of the manifestation methods you are trying don’t work for you. 
  • You doubt that your desires are possible for you, as much as you want to believe that they are, 
  • You sometimes feel like your in over your head with this manifestation stuff. 

You will forever be stuck exactly where you are if you don't prioritise working with your ✨intuition✨

If you don’t know what your intuition is telling you to do then you will forever be chasing, wondering, and longing after a better, happier, more fulfilling life. 

You will never create YOUR desires by trying to get there using other peoples methods. 

This is where we need to start 👇🏼

The problem is we haven't been trained to trust our intuition...

 Instead we have been trained to follow other peoples formulas, to use logic to make safe decisions and to rely on physical evidence to make moves in our lives. 

And this is why your life doesn’t look the way you want it to look. 

This is why you’re manifestations aren’t coming to fruition. This is why you feel confused, stuck and limited in your reality. 

You aren’t anchored to the voice that put those desires there in the first place – Your intuition. 

Your intuition is trying to show you the road map that creates your dream life. 

Your desires

Your desires are a sneak peak into your future. They were planted by your intuition as an attraction tactic. Fun fact about desires is that they don't reveal themselves to you unless they are available for you to have RIGHT NOW.

Your intuition

Your intuition is HOW you get to experience your desires, faster than you even thought possible (might I add). Your intuition will give you your EXACT steps forward. Your only job is to know what to listen to and respond.


So how do you now strengthen your relationship with your intuition? 

✨That’s where Intuitive Edge comes in ✨

Introducing Intuitive Edge

Intuitive Edge is about putting your intuition in the drivers seat of your life, so that you can manifest your desires with the ease you’re craving!

The roadmap to your desired life is within in you. Your intuition knows what steps you need to take to make your desires a reality and Intuitive Edge shows you exactly HOW to strengthen your internal guiding system and become a desire magnet to your dream life. 

This program is an aligned fit for you if you are ready for this👇🏼

✨ You are able to feel, hear and receive guidance from your intuition 

✨You no longer second guessing the guidance you receive.

✨You know you’re the powerful creator of your reality and the manifestations you call in prove it.

✨You don’t go into cycles of doubt and worry when you don’t see evidence of your manifestations. Instead, you get excited for them because you know they are coming. 

✨Your desires being your new normal. 

✨You create a life you’re in love with because you have removed everything in your life that drains you of your energy.

✨You fiercely trust yourself because your relationship to your intuition is the strongest it has ever been.

✨You always know what you next steps are. 

✨You know exactly how to tell the difference between your ego and your intuition. 

You know exactly how to remove any limiting beliefs, doubt and resistance you feel towards your desires. 

✨Your desires manifest faster than you have every experienced before, because you know exactly how to call them in. 

Course Outline

Module 1 – Understanding Your Intuition

This module is a deep dive into all things Intuition. Your intuition is a muscle that can be strengthened. This module is a deep dive into how you receive guidance and communicate with your intuition specifically – because it’s different for everyone

Module 2 – Understanding Ego

This module is a deep dive into all things Ego. To trust your intuition fully, you need to know how to manage your ego, the part of you that makes you feel like your desires are impossible and is keeping you from living your desired life. This module will help you to finally be able to understand the ego, why it does what it does and HOW to stop letting your ego call the shots in your life! Halle-f*cking-lujah!

Module 3 – Manifesting Your Desired Reality

 This is the module is a manifestation deep dive. Once you understand ego and intuition, we can discuss the process of creating your desired life and manifesting your desires in the 3D realm. This is the module were we activate your GOD FREQUENCY! This is when manifestation becomes the easiest thing you do. 


What's Inside

Intuition Training Exercises – You will be provided with intuition exercises that are designed to strengthen your intuitive muscle.

Access To Fuck The Doubt Masterclass Which Is Valued At $111 USD – How to shift and navigate the energy of fear, doubt, resistance or lack powerfully and potently. 

BONUS: The Manifesting Club Embodiment Riffs Which Is Valued At $399  – You will get bonus access to the weekly embodiment riffs I dropped in a Mini Manifestation Mastermind. Topics include; Manifesting in split energy, tapping into desire frequency to 10X your manifestations, need vs desire frequency & navigating time on your manifestation journey. 


Your Investment

2X Monthly Payment Plan

$ 262

Full Price

$ 499

This is around the time your ego has kicked in!

If you’re not feeling that excitement and pull to go on this journey then it’s not for you. You need to honour that voice, it knows what it’s doing. 

But if you can feel those butterflies in your belly telling you that this is for you, or just can’t stop thinking about the program or you can’t seem the shake this curiosity you feel… 

I’m going to save you a lot of time here, this is your intuition talking to you, telling you it’s a f*ck yes!

Don’t let another opportunity pass you by wondering ‘should I’ or ‘will this be possible for me though’. 

Your desires don’t present themselves unless they were possible for you to experience right now. Yep, you read that correctly! 

That fear that’s coming up right now, telling you that ‘you’re wasting your money’, ‘your money could be spent on XYZ instead’,now is not the right time’, that’s your ego keeping you stuck exactly where you are. 

Why would your ego want to keep your desires from manifesting? 

Your ego associates safety with what it knows and has already experienced. 

Your desired life will require new experiences and change, and that scares the living daylights out of your ego. 

But not your intuition. Your intuition knows just how good it’s about to get for you. 

The question is, are you ready to claim it and go all in? 

Testimonials ⬇️

I'm Shule 🫶🏼

Prior to this work, I had no sense of self or intuition and I had designed a life I hated!

I had a spiritual awakening in 2020 after hitting the darkest point in my life.  

After that awakening I knew I had to do life on my terms. I knew that for me to truly be happy in life I needed to build a life that I was in love with. 

So from there, I went on my journey of intentionally manifesting my dream life. I knew I wanted a freedom based lifestyle, I wanted to leave my job, do something I absolutely loved for a living, make a lot of money, and travel the world but I had NO IDEA how any of this was going to happen. 

I was riddled with fear, doubt and resistance. No one in my family had a lot of money, I was raised by a single import mum, everyone in my life worked jobs they hated and just excepted it as life. 

It felt like I was the only one who couldn’t play along in the matrix. I just wasn’t satisfied living for the weekend, dreading the monday, longing for the friday and daydreaming about that mid year 2 week holiday. 

It makes my skin crawl just thinking about it 🥲

So I decided that life was going to be different for me. I decided that I was going to manifest my dream life.

So I leaned into my intuition and my intuition DID NOT DISAPPOINT 🤤

I went from have no business experience, working for someone else in a job I hated, no idea what I wanted to have a business on or even where the f*ck to start to working for myself full time in my dream business, traveling on my terms, making money doing what I love for a living.  

So now I just shut the f*ck up and listen to what my intuition tells me to do because she knows what is up 😂 

This is how my life changed right before my very eyes. I was manifesting my dreams during times in my life when logically it should have made no f*cking sense! 

And this is exactly why I created Intuitive Edge because the everyone needs to know this information✨