Your bank account is reflective of your ENERGETIC relationship to money

You can consume all the podcasts, programs, masterclasses & books you have at your disposal about how to improve your financial reality, but if you aren’t willing to put knowledge into EMBODIED ACTION, you will always struggle to attract & maintain financial overflow.

The embodiment tool that will completely transform your financial reality ⬇️

Here's the Problem👇🏼

We interact with money every single day. 

And if this interaction continuously feeds the energy of lack, fear and without, you will always attract experiences where money feels limited, hard to make and impossible to manage. 

It’s one thing to know that money is a limitless energetic resource, but to embody what that actually means, in the moments you are brushing up against your old money programming, is a completely different ball game. 

What most people do is they learn they can transform their financial reality through the power of embodiment and manifestation, they hold the energy of their desired reality for a day, week or two, but then they get distracted by their past money stories as they go back to living their life. 

They choose to see what isn’t happening in their financial reality yet and they let what they don’t see, define what is possible in their next moment. 

In other words, they continue to relate, react and respond to money as they always have. 

And the more this cycle continues, the more momentum is fed to the reality where you experience money as a limited resource, that’s hard to make and even harder to hold and build. 

Anchored STOPS this cycle from manifesting ⬇️

anchored - Embodied Money💸

Anchored is how you will 10X the speed in which you make your financial dreams your reality

Anchored is an embodiment tool that is designed to show you how to shift your energy in the moments you are brushing up against your old money stories, that are limiting your financial reality, to manifesting the version of you who is experiencing your financial desires right now, in your 3D reality. 

In Moments Where You👇🏼

🚨 Are worried about the lack of money in your 3D experience (which creates more lack in your bank account).

🚨 Default back to your baseline financial reality you are trying to break away from (which can trick you into thinking that manifestation isn’t real or that you are incapable of creating lasting change in your financial reality).

🚨 Feel scared to flow your dollars (which creates stagnancy in your bank account because you are resisting the experience of having money).

🚨 Don’t trust or believe that money will come back to you (which results in experiences where money is limited in your reality).

🚨 Don’t trust yourself to make ‘smart’ financial decisions (which will result in you struggling to attract overflow in your bank account because you don’t trust yourself to hold money).

🚨Feel like making money is hard (which creates an experience where money is hard to make).

Anchored is your anchor point, designed to get you back into ALIGNMENT, in the moments you are triggered and creating from your past financial reality.

Because falling victim to this cycle is why you continue to struggle to attract money and maintain financial overflow in your bank account. 

How Anchored Works ⬇️

For example, let’s say you are buying groceries and you start to energetically contract at the thought of having to flow your money out.

The underlying feeling you are having is that you are losing your money.

When you spend your money with the dominant feeling of loss, while simultaneously worrying about if or when more is going to come into your experience, you will continue to attract the reality where money is a limited resource in your reality and hard to make . 

Most people in this experience ignore this energetic contraction because they don’t want to feel it; they have associated negative feelings with attracting negative experiences in the 3D (which is not entirely true) so they push the feeling away. 

Or they force themselves to shift from the energy of lack into abundance.

In both situations, the shift doesn’t actually take place in the body. It takes place in the mind (on a conscious level) or not at all. 

Masking or ignoring the resistance they feel in moments such as this, is why they continue to experience money as a limited resource in their reality. 

However, if you had Anchored to lean on in this experience, you would know how to ⬇️

⚓️️ Effectively acknowledge, feel and release your emotional money triggers when they arise (without bypassing or resisting your emotions) &;

⚓️️ Shift your dominant vibration to energetically feed your desired financial reality instead; which leads to you manifesting your dream financial reality 10X faster then you even thought was possible. 

Anchored addresses the money triggers that you navigate everyday that is creating your financial reality ⬇️

💸 For When You Can’t Let Go Of Needing Money By A Specific Timeframe

💸 For When Your Old Money Pattern Manifested… Again

💸 For When It Looks Like You Are No Where Near Your Desired Reality

💸 For When You Are Sick Of The Small Wins And Ready For The Big Wins To Manifest

💸 For When You Are Afraid Of Wanting And Being Disappointed

💸 For When You Need Reassurance That The Money Is Coming

💸 For When You Are Wondering If You Are Manifesting Wrong Or Missing Something

And that’s just to name a few… 

Sneak Peak Inside Anchored: How Does The Embodiment Library Work? ⬇️👀

If you are ready to transform your EXPERIENCE with money and become the person who 👇🏼

💸 Effortlessly attracts the money you desire

💸 Manifests your dream financial reality and makes it stick

💸 Has overflow in their bank account

💸 Finds flowing your dollars pleasurable

💸 Always has money circulating back to you tenfold

💸 Is in a healthy, trusting and empowered relationship with money 

💸 Trusts yourself to manage and grow your finances; and so you do.

Anchored Is How You Get There From The Energy Of Pure Alignment & Ease ⬇️


Your Investment:

2 Monthly Payments

$ 699
  • Anchor is live on the 8th of July

Pay In Full

$ 1333
  • Anchor is live on the 8th of July


Most frequent questions and answers

While I educate on receiving money as a spiritual led entrepreneur throughout Anchored, this embodiment tool isn’t specifically designed for entrepreneurs.  

Absolutely anyone who desires to manifest a sexy relationship with money, where money is a limitless abundant resource in your reality, is the perfect candidate for Anchored. 

Additionally, everything you learn in Anchored, can be successfully applied on any desire that you have. 

Anchored differs from programs, courses and masterclasses, because this isn’t about learning information for the sake of learning information. This resource is intentionally designed in a way that will have you embodying trajectory changing codes and principles in your real life as you interact with money, and this is what leads to lasting transformation in your bank account.

Because as soon as you begin to interact with money from an abundant, intentional energy in your real life, your bank account will have no choice but to mirror that energy back to you. 

This is a resource that is designed to support you in applying what you learn consistentlythrough the lens of emotional intelligence and emotional mastery. 

Anchored compliments mentorship perfectly. 

Your mentor can’t be with you 24/7, but Anchored can be 😉

No, it isn’t. 

Anchored is for the person who has a good understanding of manifestation, energy work, spirituality, shadow work and self development. 

Instead, if you are new to this space, I recommend starting with my self paced program Intuitive Edge.

When you first enrol into Anchored, there’s a series of videos for you to consume before you utilise the embodiment library. 

These videos are self paced. You can tune into them in a way that compliments your schedule. 

The embodiment library, however, is intended to be used as you navigate and interact with money throughout your day, and only when and as you need it. 

Different seasons of your life will result in you utilising the embodiment library differently. The embodiment library content is also self paced and is designed to compliment your own personal schedule. 

An incredible way to step into your wildly abundant era is to not limit yourself. 

Instead of asking which one is better for me, if you are being called to both, why not both in the name of abundance? 

In fact, when you hire me for 1:1 mentorship for 3 months, you will get exclusive access to Anchored as a complimentary add on. 

However, if that’s not an option for you right now, note that Mentorship is personalised support. This is where we dive into the behind the scenes of your personal business, energetic expression, alignment and bank account together. 

Compared to Anchored, which is an embodiment tool that you personalise to what you are currently navigating.

Once you opt into Anchored, you will have life time access to the space. 

That includes any changes and add ons to the space in future. 

I will be adding to the content when and as I feel called to. 

I also intend for this space to be a co-creative experience, so there’s a space open for you to tell me what you would like to see added to the space as well.

I'm Shule! 😆

I have dedicated my life to living in alignment with my soul based desires since 2020. 

I went from getting a degree that sucked the life out of me, working in a job I hated for years and developing extreme anxiety and depression, to becoming a full time spiritual entrepreneur and content creator, doing work that I love every single day. 

I have a standard for life, business and my bank account; freedom, peace, joy & pleasure. I don’t believe in a life of compromise.

I stand for magic. I stand for exponential. I stand for freedom.  

The path of following your intuition in business is anything but linear! You’ll push yourself like you’ve never pushed yourself before (and I’m not talking about hustling until you burn yourself out – it’s actually the complete opposite 😏).

However, it will also be the most fulfilling and expansive journey you will ever embark on.

Every time I tried to focus on ‘strategy’ I lost the true essence of my work and magnetism. The more I anchored into my truth and how I wanted business to go for me, the more my business grew and grew and grew. 

Your business is an expression of you. Your soul aligned clients need you to be you, so they can find you. I’m here to help you be more of yourself, anchor into your power and and take you business to the next level from an aligned as fuck energy 🚀😆