Hi, I'm Shule (pronounced shoo-lay)

I was a full blown Atheist activist for as long as I could remember. After years of being an atheist,  I realised that it wasn’t Spirituality that I didn’t understand, it was the old paradigm & cultural programming. 

As I grew older I tried so hard to live a fulfilling life. I went to University, got the degree, got the job, the house – you’ve heard the story right? The longer I followed this linear path, the more out of alignment I felt. I had no sense of intuition. I couldn’t make a decision in any area of my life. My whole life up until this point was built based on societies programming and the fear of being different.

Living my life this way lead me to falling into a deep dark depression. I experienced debilitating anxiety every single day, resulting in regular panic attacks. I was an extremely negative person and often felt like a victim to my circumstances. 

After a rapid decline in my mental health, I decided that something had to be done, so I began to explore meditation. At first I hated meditating, but because I was in such a low point in my life I had nothing else to turn to.  

Through the practise of meditation I finally felt what it was like to not experience anxiety. For the first time I realised that I was the result of my own anxiety. 

This practice not only improved my mental health but it also connected me to a world I blocked out my entire life. I was having experiences that I struggle to put words to.  I then turned to the internet in a desperate plea to find out what I was experiencing. I started to read people’s experiences and couldn’t believe that strangers all over the world were having similar experiences to me.

Finally, I started to see the bigger picture to life and began discovering the purpose behind why my soul is here on earth.  This was my first step to living life on my terms.

I’m a year and a half into my journey of living in alignment and have already manifested some of my most wildest dreams (travel, a successful online platform, working for myself doing what I love every single day). As I create my own heaven on earth my mission is to remind others that they can do the same!

My intention

My mission is to inspire you to love yourself enough to live the life you came here to live! The metaphysical world has so much love, direction, wisdom and insight to share with us. We can really begin to work with the magical side of life once we simply decide to.

Living life consciously requires you to do the internal work and that isn’t always easy. Going within and facing your shadows can be difficult, draining and confronting. Every time you do the work and show up, your connection to spirit and the universe strengthens tenfold.

I invite you to join me on this insanely wonderful journey of self discovery. Let’s begin to unleash the beauty that is within your soul and step into finding your purpose. Lets love ourselves enough to do the work. Life isn’t meant to be mundane, you’re here for much more, I promise you.